You look at Me with the knowledge that you'll never be good enough for Me don't you, that I'm out of your league! You're just a pathetic man, someone I would never be interested in, how humiliating for you, you can only dream of being with Me, a superior Princess! Somehow though you need to hear the humiliating truth even though it hurts and you'll keep coming back to Me on your knees time and time again like that pathetic little man just to hear it!
out-of-your-league-1080p-dominant-princess.mp4 [307.50 MB] - You look at Me with the knowledge that you'll never be good enough for Me don't you, that I'm out of your league! You're just a pathetic man, someone I would never be interested in, how humiliating for you, you can only dream of being with Me, a superior Princess! Somehow though you need to hear the humiliating truth even though it hurts and you'll keep coming back to Me on your knees time and time again like that pathetic little man just to hear it!